I didn’t really know what I wanted to do at the start of the May Minecraft session; looking around, though, I noticed some stairs that were irregular, so I cleaned them up:

The bottom side of the staircase is uneven in the top half.

Now the bottom looks better.
Then I went up the staircase, through the building on top, and looked out the back:

There’s a desert out the back.

And, if I look right, there’s Roger’s abandoned cathedral.
I decided to just go straight out the back, past that desert, and see where it lead.

A pig on the side of a mountain.

Pigs hovering in the air, waiting for support to get rendered under them.

Some mountains sticking up from the water.

A sheep looking over a mountain ridge.

A mountain lake, with lava above it.

Sunset in the middle of a rendering void.

A crevasse with water at the bottom and lava running down the side. (And, I think, a sheep watching.)
I came across a village; it turned out to be quite a bit fancier than I’m used to, I guess it’s been a while since I’ve looked at villages.

A couple of small buildings on the outskirts.

Peeking into one of the houses.

There’s a library behind this grille door.

Some people talking, with a cat.

That golem is keepings its eyes on me.

A small sheep pen behind a house.

A broader view of the village: note the large building on the hill in the upper right and the one in the lower left.
After that, I kept on going, eventually reaching a second, quite different, village at the edge of a desert.

A cold moon shines over the desert.

Some horses and cows.

An oasis in the desert.

Hello, desert bunny.

A crevasse and a river in the desert.

Approaching a city in the desert.

The full city comes into view, it turns out to be on the shoreline.

One of the villagers is looking at me with suspicion.

Some of the buildings with people standing around nearby.

A cave right on the edge of the water.
That seemed like a good place to stop, so I flew back to where I started.

Here’s part of that earlier village, now during the day.

I’ve returned to where I started.

One other random picture from when I was flying around afterwards.