Archive for September, 2024

Nei Gong Notes, September 3, 2024

Sep 03 2024 Published by under Uncategorized

A couple of things I forgot to mention last week: in the Foundations course, Rick mentioned getting the correct height when doing Wu Ji by paying attention to when your stomach muscles tighten up. And I started some different kinds of heart-related herbal medicines, plus one which is supposed to give me more energy; we’ll see if those help. (The latter one doesn’t actively make me feel more energetic while I take it, but I’m open to the possibility that it is helping over the course of the day.

This week’s lesson was a Nei Gong one, Channel Opening 3. A seated one; I kind of wish it were standing, because I’ve got other stuff that I want to work on while sitting! (In particular it’s making it harder to find time to keep up with Concentration 2.) It’s going decently well so far: sometimes I feel like something is relaxing physically inside me in a way that seems consistent with whatever bit I’m stretching? Not 100% sure whether that’s the main goal of the exercise or if it’ll eventually add in an active feeling of Qi movement, I’ll keep at it.

Anyways, it’s actually been a quite good practice week this week: maybe the Foundations course has given me a boost, maybe the new herbal supplements have made me less tired, who knows. On Wednesday morning I did Spinal Dao Yin, 30 minutes of Calm Abiding (I wish I’d had time for 60), and 30 minutes of Channel Opening 3, that all felt solid. Basically no time for Tai Chi in the afternoon, though, because I had an allergy shot. Friday wasn’t as good in terms of Nei Gong practice in the morning (I was noticeably more tired), and I had acupuncture, so, again, not much Tai Chi in the afternoon. Which is kind of a problem: I don’t want to lose the progress I’ve been making on forms with weapons, I definitely need to catch up with learning the Hunyuan 48, and I was doing some of Damo’s Tai Chi today and realized that I’d forgotten the last bit again. Though I did find time on a couple of days to do Damo’s 8 Energies drill, I continue to be impressed as to how strong that one feels inside of my body.

Saturday’s Chen Taiji class went well, I might actually be starting to connect to my Dantian in a productive way? And on Sunday there was a special Xinjia review class, that went really well too: it was useful in terms of reminding me of some of the details of the movements from the Chen Xiaowang workshop, but also, bits of my abdomen (some around my Dantian, some around my Yellow Court) were tingling a bit? I did some of the Zhan Zhuang variant that Chen Xiaowang taught us before both practice sessions, so that might well have helped, I’ll definitely want to keep that up. And then when I got home on Sunday, I did an hour of Calm Abiding; that was the best Calm Abiding session that I’ve had, my body was pretty perky inside while I was doing that and that feeling kept up for a while. Certainly helped that my energy level was good that day; I don’t know how much of that is the new medicines, how much is me being better at opening up my spine, how much is me actually managing to build Qi, but I’m not complaining either way.

And, speaking of opening up my spine, I’ve been good about doing a hundred or so spinal waves a day, I think that’s helping? (I might have been slacking a bit on touching my toes, I should make sure to continue with that, though.) And Wu Ji feels more interesting / productive: more of an active, healthy-feeling stretch inside my body, more of a feeling of Qi building or something inside there. I’ve also noticed that I’m sweating more than normal while practicing, even though I don’t feel like I’m working harder; if I’m optimistic, maybe that’s another sign of setting up better stretches inside my body, and perhaps of opening up space; heck, for all I know I’m managing to build Qi in that space, and the sweating is a byproduct of that? (No repeat of the feeling of warm liquid from last week, though.)

Definitely looking forward to this week; I wish it weren’t quite so hot, though, because I could really stand to spend a decent amount of time doing Tai Chi on Wednesday and Friday. Hopefully there will be a cool enough space in the park for that.

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