Archive for October, 2024

Nei Gong Notes, October 8, 2024

Oct 08 2024 Published by under Uncategorized

Low energy week, with my sleep often being not great. Not sure how much was the COVID vaccine, how much was the heat, how much was something else? I’ve been feeling like I’ve been slacking some on the Spinal Waves, so maybe that’s relevant; I’ve been trying to get back to that the last couple of days, hopefully that will help.

No new lesson last week, because I was definitely feeling the vaccine then.

On Wednesday, while I was doing Calm Abiding, the point from which I was perceiving sunk down in my body; not all the way down to my Dantian, but still, interesting to have happen. It happened to me a few times a few years back, doing Silk Reeling with a particular way of approaching those exercises, but it’s been a while. Though Calm Abiding has been too sleepy; partly my iffy sleep, but I think I need to work on figuring out what Shen Up means in that context.

I’ve decided that Thursday evening is going to be Hunyuan 48 review time, and I’ve done that a couple of times. I still have a pretty large amount there to catch up with, but hopefully I’ll be able to chip away… And I did manage to review all of my Tai Chi forms this week, so that’s good. I noticed my Jian behaving oddly (weight shifting in the handle) while practicing that one, so I emailed the folks who sold it to me about that; fortunately, tightening the bolt at the bottom with a wrench seems to have fixed the problem.

Chen Tai Chi was going well this week; I’m starting to viscerally understand what Silk Reeling means, I think. I definitely got a lot out of figuring out how to present that last lesson in my Silk Reeling course.

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Nei Gong Notes, October 1, 2024

Oct 01 2024 Published by under Uncategorized

This week’s lesson was Channel Opening 4, a seated exercise opening channels from the bottom of the torso up. And my sleep Tuesday night after doing that exercise was crappy, I think too much stuff was going on; I tried it a couple of other times in the week doing Channel Opening 4 followed by Channel Opening 3 and spending more time closing down at the end, and that was better? Still, not my favorite exercise.

Not a particularly notable week; not super energetic this week, so while I got decent amounts of practice done, there wasn’t anything special going on. And I was out of town on Saturday and some of Sunday, so I had less weekend practice than normal. I did make it through all of my Tai Chi forms, at least, so that’s something.

I got vaccinations yesterday and I’m definitely feeling the effects of it, so I’m going to skip doing a new lesson this week. I think I’m over the worst of it now, but still, no sense pushing things.

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