VGHVI Minecraft: February 28, 2013

Apr 21 2013

The February VGHVI Minecraft session was a small one: Miranda and I were the only people building, though one or two other people dropped in to chat. As is my wont, I started by flying around taking pictures; this time, a window in the ground caught my eye:

What's that window doing on the bottom of that pit?

What’s that window doing on the bottom of that pit?

That window actually showed a view into the very first mine complex that we built in this world, albeit in a later room; I didn’t take any pictures of that room, but I did wander into the library across from it, and ran into a surprise:

Oh, hello there!

Oh, hello there!

I see you peeking around the corner

I see you peeking around the corner

Sorry, I didn't mean to interfere with your browsing

Sorry, I didn’t mean to interfere with your browsing

After that, I flew around a bit; on a cliff wall near the temple complex, I ran into some more cows:

Cliff-dwelling cows

Cliff-dwelling cows

And that alcove between them caught my eye:

Alcove in cliff wall

Alcove in cliff wall

So I decided to start digging, for the first time in ages, and Miranda decided to join me:

Miranda and I start digging

Miranda and I start digging

We started with a corridor going into the cliff and then going out to the left, where the cliff ends (just beyond the left cow): we put in a sitting room there, with a nicely furnished couch and bookshelves. And a big window, looking out on the temple complex.

The view out over the temple area

The view out over the temple area

A lamp next to the couch

A lamp next to the couch

A door on the other side of the window

A door on the other side of the window

Bookshelves in the back of the room

Bookshelves in the back of the room

That door on the outside leads to a natural set of stairs up to a roof area, so I went out there to explore a bit:

The window from the outside

The window from the outside

The view from the roof, showing the towers

The view from the roof, showing the towers

Wandering around up there a bit, I decided that we could build a set of internal stairs leading up to the roof as well, so we did that next. (With our traditional roles of me laying out the basic geometry and Miranda making it habitable.)

Working on the stairs

Working on the stairs

The view from the roof at night

The view from the roof at night

The view of the temple complex through the window at night

The view of the temple complex through the window at night

The finished sitting room, including carpet

The finished sitting room, including carpet

We left a good-sized chunk of space between the sitting room and the stairs; we decided to turn that into a workroom.

Carving out the workroom

Carving out the workroom

Installing some furniture

Installing some furniture

More furniture and decorations next to one of the doors

More furniture and decorations next to one of the doors

Putting in a gate and flooring

Putting in a gate and flooring

That made a good start on the house; time to give it a name.

Cows. They're remarkable cows.

Cows. They’re remarkable cows.

But there’s still a lot to do! There’s a fair amount of space within the cliff on the level that we’re on, we just have to decide how to use it; there’s also room for at least one story above us, possibly for two of them. I’m sure we’ll get back to that this month.

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