Pictures from the last Minecraft session of the year:
It was rainy when I started up the server; I ended up wandering around for a while taking pictures in the rain.

Skull mountain in the rain

A lonely figure floating in the rain

Yellow sky

Evening turns to night, part 1

Evening turns to night, part 2

Evening turns to night, part 3

Behind the house

An open field behind town

Rainy mossy tracks
But eventually the rain ended:

Stars at night

The town at night

A gold horse wandering around

Looking into the greenhouse

A cat in a house
The other main focus of my environmental photos was glitches: they seem more frequent in the current version, of which I approve.

Underwater tunnels

A glitch cutting through town

Glitch hills

Massive glitch at sunset
Roger worked a bit more on his cathedral:

Starting to add pews

More construction

Hills behind the cathedral
And Pat starting building a new tower:

Starting work on a tower

The base of the tower

A second pillar

Fleshing out a wall

More wall

Almost done with the bottom walls

Building a spire on top

More spire

The textures on top

It looks like there’s another spire going up?
And Miranda decided to make improvements to the village we found the previous month; I didn’t get pictures of most of her work, unfortunately, but I did stop by for a visit:

Working on the village

A villager observes me

In fact, two villagers observe me

Some villagers are stuck in water. (Miranda added railing to help them, but it was too late…)

Underwater villagers

Building some stairs

Walking up the stairs

A successful rescue

A top-down view of that area