VGHVI Minecraft: January 25, 2018
For the first Minecraft session of 2018, I worked on the train station that I’d started in December.

Here’s where I’d left off; I’m going to build a train station over where I have the tracks, and then probably fill in the indentation above with two more floors of buildings.

Here’s a higher angle; the walls look like they should go where the grass currently is, just past the stone.
That gave me the basic outline for the train station. I was planning to extend the sloped part of the roof most of the way back, stopping where I reached the depth of the non-indented part of the mountain walls. And I didn’t have it slope all the way to the middle of the roof, because I wanted to do something a little different in the middle, working in glass somehow.
Looking at those doors, though, the light wood above them didn’t seem quite right. So I decided to look at the doors on the building on top of the mountain, for comparison.
After fixing that, I started work on the roof.
This idea I had of glass at the top didn’t magically fix anything; the front, in particular, looked pretty boring. So I decided to spend some time trying to improve that.

First I tried banners; I didn’t really like either the shape of the banners or the shade of the red ones, though.

Next was pairing the red brick from above the doors with some of the grey wool that I’d also used as an accent up top; but that grey stripe didn’t work for me.

This is starting to get somewhere: use the grey as an accent, and have a bit more space above the red?
That seemed at least potentially workable, so I went to cap it off to see how it would work as part of a complete roof.
That seemed good enough; now to put in the finishing touches. First, filling in the gap in the mountain wall so I’d have a place for the second story.
So that’s the train station; I’m not completely in love with it, but I think it’s okay? The next steps, in whatever order, are:
- Installing the train tracks to connect the station with the main city.
- Putting rooms above the train station in the side of the mountain.
- Creating some buildings that connect the train station to the exit of the passage through the mountain.
Next I went to check on other people. Pat didn’t have anything that he wanted to show, but Dan and Miranda had both made some progress.

Roger’s cathedral is along the planned path for the train tracks back from my mountain to the main city; sadly, I don’t think it will ever get finished…

His area is actually pretty close to the city; now that I know where it is, I can just travel there instead of teleporting.
And Miranda had built a lovely little floating island:
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