Nei Gong Notes, February 18, 2025
This week’s lesson was a Tai Chi lesson, on Fair Maidens Weave the Shuttle. Not much to say about that, just progressing through the form. I’m a little iffy on the details of the last few bits of the form, but I know basically how it works; I’ll definitely want to spend time consolidating that when I’m done with the form. (Which isn’t all that far from now!)
On Wednesday I did 1h45m of Wu Ji, my first time at that length. It wasn’t too tedious, given that; didn’t go nearly as well as last week, though, for whatever reason I had a hard time getting into anything like a Calm Abiding state. But hey, at least I’m getting used to these longer periods; 2h honestly feels like it will be not particularly pleasant but manageable. At least with bells going off (the bells in my last attempt were 35 minutes apart, so two bells in the middle); a 2h stand without any intermediate bells still feels like it might not be so great.
On Friday I went through the Spinal Dao Yin.
On Saturday I’ve normally been doing long single exercise Silk Reeling sessions but I skipped that this week, I wasn’t feeling great on Saturday. In general sleep has been off, though it’s been getting better – my younger dog is getting much better at sleeping through the night, and my older dog had something funny going on with his gut that was causing him to need to go out multiple times in the night for several days, but that’s done now. Though I noticed that my sleep was still not at its best, so I did a Wood Wu Xing session and a Jade Pillow session on Monday, hopefully that will get things back on a good pattern.
I also have been realizing that I haven’t been keeping up with several exercises – not doing Spinal Waves as frequently as much as I was for a while, or that Du channel stretch from the Nei Gong program. And also I haven’t been doing the Taiji standalone exercises, just the form. But I’m getting back to that now – for whatever reason, my brain was actually okay doing more of those yesterday even though I was pretty tired, so I did some WSSF 1 then and more back stretches, and some WSSF 3 today and more back stretches. So hopefully I can re-establish those habits. And they’re definitely necessary: my WSSF 1 wasn’t nearly as strong as it had been for a while, and even the level it had been was only starting to get interesting, there’s a lot more work in my body that I need to do to really build good Yang Taiji skills.
Another Foundations program this weekend, I’m looking forward to that. Will also be nice to see some people in person that I’ve been interacting with online in regards to my 2h Wu Ji attempts.