Nei Gong Notes, March 11, 2025
This week’s lesson was San Dan Tian 1. Which I’d vaguely expected to be the snowman exercise, given the name, but it wasn’t that at all; seemed like maybe a Hunyuan thing, though Damo didn’t explicitly say that in the video. At any rate, interesting enough; as with anything that involves stuff in my head, I’m a little worried that it might make it hard for me to sleep; and in fact my sleep was crappy on Tuesday night, but I actually don’t think it was this exercise, I think it was sleep apnea being unusually bad.
Still, Wednesday was okay; I didn’t do as much Nei Gong as I normally do on Wednesdays, but I did a 40 minute San Dan Tian 1 session and a 40 minute Earth Hui Chun at least. And I didn’t do as much Tai Chi as would have been ideal but I did finish going through all of my Chen weapon forms. And on Thursday I was a little iffy during the day, and because of timing of some things that were going on, I didn’t do my normal Nei Gong practice during the day, but when I did it at night I decided to do arm stretching, and I lasted 35 minutes, which is 15 minutes past my previous; that was a pleasant surprise! And also the stretch itself is starting to feel pleasant in some ways: in the past the stretch had been unpleasant but in a way that doesn’t get worse and worse (unlike the muscular tension from my shoulders), but now I kind of think that, the next time I do this on a day when I’ve had good sleep, there are good odds that I’ll be able to make an hour.
Unfortunately, the “on a day when I’ve had good sleep” is a significant limitation: on Friday I think the effects of the bad sleep on Tuesday night and the less-than-ideal sleep Wednesday and Thursday nights caught up with me. I finished going through my empty hand Tai Chi forms in the morning, but by the afternoon it was pretty clear that I’d gotten a cold. (So maybe that was what was going on on Tuesday night; though I suspect the causation went in the other away.)
Unfortunate timing, it meant that I missed my regular Chen Tai Chi class on Saturday and my once a month class on Sunday, and a couple of personal things that I would ideally have done this weekend. But the flip side: just a cold, nothing horrible. But then the flip flip side: I feel like, for the last couple of months, my breathing overnight has gotten worse; maybe it’ll get better once it warms up and the furnace stops pushing dust through the air, but that’s a while off and also I could be wrong about that?
Fortunately, I saw my allergist this weekend; no immediate solutions there (and actually some possibilities mentioned that I could imagine finding scary, though I’m not reacting that way), but we’ve got some deeper diagnosis planned that hopefully will give us some ideas. And paying attention to exactly how my body is reacting where, I’m starting to suspect that my pillow currently has a heavier load of dust mites than I can handle. (We do dust mite treatments in bed but they’re not perfect.)
So if that’s the case, it’s tractable: when we wash sheets this weekend, I’ll vacuum off the pillows and mattress thoroughly, and if that doesn’t help, then next time I’ll replace the pillow entirely. (I got a spare one the last time my pillow was causing problems.) And, talking it over with my wife, we were thinking that the timing matched Ulli’s arrival pretty well; I hadn’t been worrying about that so much because he’s a poodle and I’m not allergic to them, and also we’d been washing his main bed toys with the sheets, but in the past our small poodles have been sleeping more at the foot of the bed than the head, and also it’s not too surprising for other toys to end up in bed. And it’s been a while since we’ve given him a bath (and he’s never had a haircut), so who knows what’s on his hair now.
If Ulli does turn out to the issue, then we’ve got a plan: we gave him a bath tonight, we were already thinking we’d give him a haircut over the next few days, we can be more disciplined about toys, and also now he’s housebroken enough at night that we can start nudging him to spend most of the night at the foot of the bed. So the optimistic scenario is that, doing all of that plus cleaning / replacing the pillow will get things to a much better shape. And that scenario sounds plausible to me, I think it matches all of the evidence? (And also: things actually were going genuinely well not too far back in 2024, for a while it wasn’t a surprise if I slept through the night completely. So that really is possible.) If not, I’ll see what my allergist suggests next.
Anyways, no new lesson tonight, given that I’m still on the mend and that I haven’t had enough time to practice stuff from the most recent Taiji and Nei Gong classes. But I’m planning to start ramping my Nei Gong practice back up tomorrow and go into work like normal (instead of working from home) on Thursday. And I have at least been watching more Nei Gong videos than normal: I’m all caught up with the 2025 videos that Damo’s been posting and with his latest podcast episode.